Thursday, October 17, 2013

Little Girls with Dreams Grow into Women with Vision

As I have further pursued working with human trafficking victims many people have asked me why? Why not stay safe yourself and pray for them instead? 

Prayer is a good thing, a powerful thing that moves God’s heart and shifts atmospheres of darkness but I know I’m not called to sit and watch on the sidelines while millions of girls suffer on my watch. He has given me a passion and in that passion a responsibility to do something about it. 
I wrote a post awhile back about what it looks like to dream with the Lord and how we should never come to a point where we stop dreaming or where our dreams don’t scare us anymore. I am called to be a dangerous woman of the Lord, and God has given me a dream to walk alongside woman and children who have lost all hope of dreaming because all their life they have been abused, manipulated, and used. My father in heaven has promised that He is going to bring this dream into reality and use me to speak life and hope where none can be found.

As I was praying about a week back the Lord gave me this picture of a child’s hands making a square and holding it up to the stars, essentially dreaming of what His or her future could hold. Oh how my heart felt joy in just seeing that alone. I want to be a safe place where baby girls who have been trafficked, abused, and stripped of worth can dream again. I found an anonymous quote that says, 

“Little girls with dreams grow into women with vision.” 

Man does that resonate with my Spirit. I want to be a safe place that these girls can come to and dream so that they can grow into women with fierce vision from the Lord. The Lord is moving in my Spirit and stirring a dream that scares me, and I know He is giving me an inheritance that far outweighs any that I could ask or imagine right here on earth reaching these girls.  

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's So Simple.

Well I’ve been in Mijas for a full day now and Jesus has already blown my mind with where He has brought me. I knew stepping on the plane in buffalo that this next 6 months was going to be a gift- a time of uninterrupted intimacy with my savior, but when I actually saw Mijas I was blown away. Jesus has always spoken clearest to me when I’ve been by water- creeks, ponds, lakes, Niagara Falls, the Indian Ocean, anywhere really. So it makes complete sense that Jesus has brought me to a place where I’m living in the side of a mountain facing the Mediterranean Sea right outside my window. Like a precious gift awaiting me and reminding me of his favor and faithfulness every day I hear and see those waves crashing into the shore. 

It is so evident that this place is so simple yet so full of life, even from spending just 24 hours here. Last night we ate dinner family style on the rooftop as the sun set over Mijas and the Med. Sea and just worshipped the Lord freely. I didn’t really realize how much I needed to spend my first night just worshipping the Lord for what He’s doing until I was actually doing it. I sat with people from Norway, England, Spain, and America and we just sang our hearts out to God- in different languages and different positions. It was Beautiful and absolutely incredible to feel His presence so deeply moving through each of us. A friend from England, Bollo grabbed the guitar and started to sing these lyrics and for the first time in a long time I felt it- I felt the truth of it grip me and reveal what He has for me. 

In you I’m free to live, free to breathe, free to be. It’s so simple. 

That’s what this season is about. Being free to live and love and be in the presence of my savior without distractions and other things fighting for my heart. He is doing endurance training with my heart so that when I do leave this place in 6 months no circumstance will be able to chip away at it or my faith one bit.  It is so dang simple, yet so often we complicate this truth. Our satisfaction and steadfastness in faith comes from His presence. We cannot be immovable in our faith if we don’t get that. So breathe in God’s presence and come alive right where He has you. It is that simple. 
