Monday, December 23, 2013

Living in Abundance and Need

The transition between India and Spain was quick back in October, and I’m not really even sure I knew why specifically I was coming here, except that I heard the Lord’s voice to go.  I was having coffee with Andrew, the founder here at G42 the other day and he asked me what my expectations were coming here- we both laughed as I answered that I honestly didn’t have many because I hadn’t really even researched where I was going- I just dived in because the Lord said so. It’s amazing what God chooses to do with those leaps of faith- usually they bring some of the closest community, grandest adventures, and greatest moves of God in your life. Most of my walk with God has been just that- hearing the Lords voice and just going with no idea what I am getting myself into, and it hasn’t disappointed me once- I’ve grown leaps and bounds because of it and met some of the most amazing people in places I never thought I would be. God has moved in Guatemala, Honduras, Thailand, India, and Spain right before my eyes and I’m nowhere near the person I was 3 years ago. That’s the wild adventure that comes when you put your yes on the table without even knowing what that really entails with God.

Spain has been some of the hardest 3 months of my life and the best. I’ve experienced increasing favor and blessing from the Lord in ways I absolutely never expected.  God has revamped what I thought I knew blessing and favor meant. I used to think blessing meant having great things, being surrounded by the best people, and seeing God heal the sick and blind in front of me. Boy was I wrong. Blessing is the continual presence of God, its being content in any circumstance, and wholeheartedly loving anyone who is put next to you. I could have absolutely nothing and still be blessed beyond measure. Philippians 4: 11-13 says,

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Paul nailed it here.  He knows how to find the presence of God in all circumstances, and in that Paul knows that he can do anything that God asks of him because The Source of strength is the one asking him.  

It has been a hard three months here at G42- I’ve been pushed past myself so much that at some points its hurt, I’ve had to find my voice, and God has broken some of the ugly parts in me off, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I live in a community of truth speakers, kingdom bringers, and beautiful people that are unwilling to let me stay where I’m at, ever. That’s why I am here. Yes, I am learning how to be content wherever God places me or calls me to, but more importantly God is shaking me to see what parts of me stand. The past three months has been the shaking- it’s been painful, frustrating, and hard but these next three months here are going to be vital to my entire future. He is going to strengthen what made it through the past three months and add what I need to dive into a lifetime of fighting for His kingdom and people in the nations.

My tribe here at G42 

 God requires much more than just putting our yes on the table to what He asks, He requires our covenant to never leave the table no matter what comes our way. To be content in all circumstances, because He will strengthen us for what He asks us to do. I’ve made my covenant; I am staying at the table. How about you?

I am still in need financially and prayerfully for these next three months. They are vital to what God is asking of me long term. If you want to be a part of this wild adventure and what God is doing through me, you can click the "partner with me" tab above. I deeply appreciate all your support- I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without my supporters! Be blessed this Christmas! 
