Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Glimpse into the Next Year

As I begin my second year here in Cambodia, my role with the school is shifting to some of the giftings that God has shown me that I have in the past year. I am going to be working with more of the special cases in the school, writing IEP's for the students who have learning disabilities, creating counseling and plans of action for our students being abused or trafficked, training our teachers on how to address abuse and trafficking when it comes up during the school year, and working with families to create a healthy environment for our kids to go home to as well. It is no small endeavor, but I know it is exactly what the Lord wants me to be doing- and He will equip me as I go. I am thrilled to be in Cambodia another year, to continue to build relationships with my teachers, our students, and their families. I've seen what investment in lives can do here, and the transforming presence of Christ. Lives have been changed in the past year, and God will continue to do so this year. 

But the thing is I need partners. I need people like you who want to invest prayerfully and financially in this calling, so that I can keep putting the most marginalized people in the world at the center of my concern. For the one. The one family that finally sees value in their child. The one child that finally doesn't have to go home to a place of abuse and neglect anymore. And the one who needs to be fought for, loved on, and valued that never has before. I need monthly committed partners and people that feel like the Lord is telling them to give, and partake in the restoration He is doing in Cambodia. 

Watch this video for a glimpse into what I'm doing here and if God is telling you to give, here are some practical ways to do so: 

This is the link to give through my Paypal:

This is the link to be a monthly partner- Just put my name (Sarah Hendee)  in the spot with reoccurring  missionary support:

If you have any questions or would like to be a part of my monthly private newsletter please email me at
