A few days ago, my church in Buffalo asked me to write a list of 31 prayer requests for each day of January. This month is Human Trafficking Awareness month and I think it's a great way to band together as the Church and pray for trafficking victims in Cambodia and around the world. If you want to take up the challenge and pray with us- here it is! If God speaks anything specific to you, you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me with them! (sarah@aim4asia.org)
Day 1- Poverty Mindset- Pray for Cambodia to reestablish what it means
to value human beings and live with purpose in mind.
Day 2- Pray for Government
Corruption in Cambodia and around the world to step up, take responsibility,
and protect their own people.
Day 3- Police Corruption-
Pray that the police would be leaders for their communities and actually
protect and fight for justice in Cambodia.
Day 4- The Justice System-
Pray that the officials making decisions would make decisions of justice and
protection instead of what looks best for them or gets them the most money
Day 5- Education- Pray that
Cambodia would once again value education and a future over quick money that is
obtained through making their children work in factories or selling their
Day 6- Men- Pray for men of
Cambodia to step-up and lead as men, instead of taking advantage of women,
doing drugs, gambling, drinking, and trafficking women and children. (80 % of men are drug users, alcoholics,
and/or gamblers)
Day 7- Women- Pray for the women in
Cambodia to know their value and purpose, to protect their children, and stop
the cycle of abuse and trafficking in their families and communities.
Day 8- Children- Pray for the children
in Cambodia to value and fight for their futures through staying in school,
standing up for themselves, and chasing after their dreams.
Day 9- Brick Factories- Pray for those stuck
in brick factories as indentured servants working long hours for little to no
pay and stuck with a fake debt unable to leave. Abuse, drugs, alcoholism, &
trafficking run ramped in these factories.
Day 10- Traffickers- Pray for the
traffickers and the young boys being groomed to be traffickers, that God would
grab ahold of their hearts.
Day 11- Pedophiles- Pray for the American
and European foreign pedophiles that are landing in Cambodia and buying woman
and children.
Day 12- China Trafficking- Pray for the
Cambodian girls being trafficked to China as brides and our team working with
the embassy to get them back!
Day 13- NGO's- Pray for the many
organizations that are in Cambodia fighting human trafficking from all angles,
as well as unity among them from God!
Day 14- Pray for AIM- Gods
protection and provision over this organization
Day 15-Freedom Mandate- Pray for the Freedom
Mandate to fundraise for AIM- that the church in America would step up and join
the fight against human trafficking.
Day 16-Leaders- Pray for the founders
(Don and Bridget Brewster), Elders, and leaders of AIM- that they would hear
God’s voice clearly as they make the big decisions that affect the
Day 17- Missionaries- Pray for the
Missionaries on the field in Cambodia working with AIM- Wisdom, discernment,
protection, and provision.
Day 18- ARC- Pray for the
Restoration Center taking in girls rescued from brothels- Provision, healing,
protection, education.
Day 19- SWAT- Pray for the SWAT
team on the ground in Cambodia making arrests and partnering with the Cambodian
Children’s Protection Police to rescue women and children, and work with cases
of abuse.
Day 20- Legal Team- Pray for out legal
team and court cases putting traffickers in jail and protecting the victims
& the legal system would keep them in jail!
Day 21- RHPP- Pray for our half-way
house reintegrating victims of trafficking back into society in a slow and
supported manner.
Day 22- Emergency Foster Care- Pray for our foster
care and the children who are being taken care of some of which are victims of
abuse and trafficking.
Day 23- Factories and Business- Pray for our factories and businesses that are providing jobs for trafficking victims and community members- that we
would have business to keep them running and discipleship of the Cambodian
staff through it.
Day 24- Lord's Gym- Pray for our gym
that reaches traffickers and young men for Christ through boxing- for more men
to disciple that want to change!
Day 25- Church- Pray for our Church,
Cambodian Pastor, and disciples in the church- God would be creating leaders
and a safe place for community members to come to and find the healing and redemptive
love of Christ.
Day 26- Kids Club- Pray for
the influence on the hundreds of children hearing about God and his love every
week- for the disciples from the church leading it, and the influence it has on
the community.
Day 27- Community School-
Pray for the children and teachers coming through our doors everyday, the
influence of Christ, a safe place for them to share about their lives, and the
team of staff meeting all the needs of abuse cases, student and family needs!
Day 28- Medical Clinic- Pray
for the patients walking sometimes miles to receive reliable health care, our
team treating them, and the influence this has to build trust and relationships
to help families that may be stuck in trafficking.
Day 29- People- Pray for a
generation that rises up and ends human trafficking, by fighting this injustice
all over the world!
Day 30- Culture- Pray for Western
countries like America and the sex saturated cultures that are feeding into
human trafficking all over the world.
Day 31- You!- Pray about your part
in fighting the injustice of human trafficking around the world and start
fighting somehow, somewhere even if from the place your praying from right now!
Commit and join the fight!
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